We're hitting a bit of a (hmmm… a HUGE?) milestone today. What we didn't tell you is there are two milestones!
First up - this will be the first convoy where we fully realize our mission of East helping West helping East. Our convoy that is going over the pass will be full up with a delivery to the Yakima area. Approximately 40,000 pounds of fresh produce boxes and bagged potatoes and onions will be delivered to their community in need. The convoy will then drive over to Othello to pick up about 76,850 pounds of produce including 7 pallets of apples and bringing that back to Woodinville. This is what George was envisioning from Day 1. BOOM!
Guess what else? As of yesterday, we had successfully moved about 952,000 pounds of food. So, it looks like we'll break ONE MILLION POUNDS today! That's the original goal of moving one ton of food - times five hundred!
We have tremendous momentum thanks to the support of the people that are reading this post. We're just getting started, but ONE MILLION POUNDS!
Have a great day!
